A team of academics at MIT has unveiled the world’s most advanced chip yet that’s made from carbon nanotubes—cylinders with walls the width of a single carbon atom. The new microprocessor, which is capable of running a conventional software program, could be an important milestone on the road to finding silicon alternatives. The electronics industry…
#technology #tech #moore #fr
For more than a decade, consumer rights groups (including EFF) worked with technologists and companies to try to standardize Do Not Track, a flag that browsers could send to online companies signaling that their users did not want their browsing activity tracked. Despite long hours and backing from...
#adblock #tech #technology #web #pop-up #en
Comment vivre dans des villes privatisées, où notre attention est contrôlée et sollicitée en permanence, et nos corps pistés à chaque instant ? Le dernier roman d'Alain Damasio, dont l'action se déroule en 2040, (...)
#damasio #capitalism #capitalisme #société #society #ZAD #technology #tech #transhumanisme #fr
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