Over the past months, we’ve left our macOS model behind and moved to Codespaces for the majority of GitHub.com development.
#github #software #tech #en
En quoi l'informatique répond-elle aux grands enjeux de la planète ? Le 16 avril, à 19h30, le député Cédric Villani répondra à cette question dans le forum «Les cités numériques, quand Internet change nos villes», sur notre site.
#software #AI #politics #fr
This is part one of the Crossover Project. Part two is here and part three is here. I sat in front of Mat, idly chatting about tech and cuisine. Before now, I had known him mostly for his cooking pictures on Twitter, the kind that made me envious of suburbanites and their 75,000 BTU woks. But now he was the test subject for my new project, to see if it was going to be fruitful or a waste of time.
#work #engineering #software #en
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