New research reveals that Silicon Valley uses predatory pricing to crush competitors and scam investors — evidence the government can use to bust up tech monopolies.
#tech #capitalism #money #en
New large language models will transform many jobs. Whether they will lead to widespread prosperity or not is up to us.
#tech #ai #money #economics #lifestyle #en
Pour comprendre la rationalité du système Musk, il faut en déconstruire les grands principes. À travers la désactivation de Starlink en Ukraine ou sa tentative chaotique de racheter Twitter, le milliardaire est en train de construire une puissance géopolitique formelle, complémentaire des prérogatives actuelles des États-Unis — une puissance fondée sur un cocktail nouveau : trolling, technologie totale, techno-politique. Asma Mhalla fait le point dans cette étude.
#tech #society #gafam #gafat #money #fr
Pour Nicolas Dufrêne, les cryptomonnaies ne permettent pas de répondre aux défis sociaux et écologiques de l’époque. Au contraire, elles les aggravent.
#crypto #tech #lifestyle #society #money #fr
Welcome to Video’s customers thought their payments were untraceable. They couldn’t have been more wrong. The untold story of the case that shredded the myth of Bitcoin’s anonymity.
#crypto #tech #darkweb #IRS #money #cops #en
Avec 243 milliards de dollars de bénéfices en 2021, Google, Apple, Facebook et Amazon disposent de moyens inédits pour poursuivre leur expansion.
#gafam #tech #capitalism #money #fr
In a virtual world full of virtual goods, finance could get weird.
#gafam #metaverse #meta #facebook #money #lifestyle #en
Have you seen this chart? I have seen it many times. It comes from this Washington Post article, but it seems to go viral on Twitter about every 6 months or so. The implication of the chart seems t…
#wealth #money #generation #en
Cybercriminals are quick to exploit crypto’s fast-moving technological pace in an effort to launder money. Here’s how they do it & how financial institutions can help prevent it.
#crypto #bitcoin #money #laundering #criminal #en
Many consumers are reluctant to pay for news, but those that do turn to trusted sources. We rank news websites based on paid subscribers.
#journalism #money #future #en
Past research has found that experienced well-being does not increase above incomes of $75,000/y. This finding has been the focus of substantial attention from researchers and the general public, yet is based on a dataset with a measure of experienced well-being that may or may not be indicative of actual emotional experience (retrospective, dichotomous reports). Here, over one million real-time reports of experienced well-being from a large US sample show evidence that experienced well-being rises linearly with log income, with an equally steep slope above $80,000 as below it. This suggests that higher incomes may still have potential to improve people’s day-to-day well-being, rather than having already reached a plateau for many people in wealthy countries. Data aggregated by income level have been deposited in OSF (<>) ([23][1]). Granular data are stored in a repository and are available to qualified researchers who wish to verify or extend the claims of this paper; contact the author for access information. March 25, 2021: The Data Availability section has been updated. [1]: #ref-23
#well-being #income #money #en
François Fillon, son épouse Penelope et son ancien suppléant à l'Assemblée Marc Joulaud ont été reconnus coupables ce lundi 29 juin dans l'affaire des soupçons d'emplois fictifs.
#society #money #politics #fr
Au cours d'un entretien fleuve, nous avons interrogé Emmanuel Todd pour "Les luttes de classes en France au XXIe siècle", son livre-évènement.
#society #société #money #capitalism #fr
Facebook prépare hâtivement la création de sa propre monnaie. Séduisant sous l'ange de l'innovation financière, ce projet déboucherait en réalité sur une mainmise d'une ampleur inégalée sur des milliards d'existences individuelles. Il faut le combattre à tout prix.
#social-networks #facebook #money #bitcoin #crypto #libra #fr
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