Vaccine disinformation. The Big Lie. The hate poisoning your community. It all goes back to Mark Zuckerberg's business model.
#GAFAM #facebook #society #en
A new antitrust case shows that Prime inflates prices across the board, using the false promise of 'free shipping' that is anything but free.
#GAFAM #monopoly #capitalism #en
Its campaign is part of a global wave of actions by governments that are testing how far they can go to control online speech.
#GAFAM #russia #internet #future #en
Automated systems from Apple and Google label characters with dark skins “Animals”.
#AI #computer #google #apple #racism #bias #GAFAM #en
Looks like it's no more Mr. Nice Guy.
#TimCook #adds #fb #Apple #GAFAM #gafam #en
A July 2020 survey asked consumers what they would do if Google offered a checking account. More than a quarter said they would open an account. Who are these consumers and what impact will this have on the banking industry?
#tech #google #bank #GAFAM #en
Accès libre // par Jean-Baptiste Malet (avril 2020)
#amazon #GAFAM #COVID #fr
Les géants du numérique doivent-il aller en prison ou à la Maison Blanche ? Entretien avec Nicolas Brien, CEO de France Digitale.
#facebook #GAFAM #politics #fr
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